BSC Students Rave about New ‘Virtual Hospital’

BSC New Health Science Building

Today was a big first for Bismarck State College, and for North Dakota.

You’re getting a first-hand look at the brand new health sciences building. The former facility had students crammed into about 15,000 square feet, miles away from campus.

Paramedic majors, surgical techs, EMT and nursing students will all benefit from this space. And this new building simulates real-life situations. So EMT students practice in an ambulance, and surgical techs practice in an operating room.

Sophomore Surgical Technologist Student McKayla Haux shares, “When I go into my clinicals, an actual OR, I will actually have a basic knowledge of it now. In the old building it wasn’t like this, so it would’ve been all new in the operating room.”

The Health Sciences Department Chair says with this building, they’ll be able to expand their health majors, and welcome in more students at a time.