Join us on Friday (July 14) at 11:30am CT for a live Strong Talk webcast about the tension between creating a town that appeals to residents, vs. a town that caters to tourists. We’ll consider questions like:
- Which should come first: prioritizing the needs of residents or prioritizing amenities that will attract tourists?
- What sorts of developments and businesses benefit both residents and tourists and which are mostly just for one group?
- How can we encourage downtown developments that appeal to visitors without detracting from the needs of residents?
- Arian Horbovetz of Rochester, NY. He’s a Strong Towns member, photographer and blogger at The Urban Phoenix who’s written some recent articles on the topic of resident vs. tourist needs.
- Kate Durio of Lafayette, LA. She works for the Lafayette Consolidated Government helping to revitalize Lafayette’s downtown and she previously served as director of marketing and events for Downtown Lafayette.
- Jonathan Holth of Grand Forks, ND. He’s a Strong Towns member, new President & CEO of Downtown Community Partnership in Fargo, ND and the co-owner of three restaurants in the Grand Forks area.
This episode will be hosted by Rachel Quednau and will feature: