Valley City School Board Approves Project

Track at Hanna Field

The Valley City Public School Board approved the building of a Track at Hanna Field in Valley City during a Special Meeting held here earlier today. With the approval of this project, the construction of the track will begin this spring and will be completed by mid-August.

The track at Hanna Field has a rich history and played host to several state track meets in the 50s and 60s. During the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the Hi-Liner track programs flourished under the leadership of longtime track coach Bill Jansen. By the late 1980s and early 90s, the asphalt track became unusable and beyond repair. After more than 20 years away from Hanna Field, the Hi-Liner track program will be returning to Hanna Field in the spring of 2019.

The excitement for this project has been steadily growing in recent months as the School Board has shared information about this project with the students, staff, community and alumni of the school district. Currently there are more than 75 student-athletes participating in the Hi-Liner track program. In addition to providing these students with a track, this project will also meet other needs in our community. The school district plans to provide full access to community organizations, families, and community members who desire to use the track as a safe place to run, walk and exercise.

The cost of this project will be $2.0 million and will be partially funded using the school district’s building fund. A fundraising effort will also support the building of the track. KLJ Engineering, JLG Architects, and Consolidated Construction Company have or will be assisting in the designing, planning, and building of this track at Hanna Field.