Cedar Ave Master Planning

Richfield, Minnesota

One of the major impacts of expansion work at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport has been to the single-family residential areas adjacent to the airport. Increased noise from a new runway has made it essential to re-envision the eastern edge of the City of Richfield. These challenges have given rise to opportunities for development that serve the future of the City of Richfield and help to mitigate the problems caused by the airport expansion. JLG Architects’ masterplan for the area is based on several major ideas that address the city’s needs and wants:

Establishes neighborhood centers that are the focus for housing, work opportunities, shopping, and recreation, all within walking distance. Physically layers the bulk of the city from the airport to reduce noise. Creates walking links between activity areas and parks and recreation. Reinforces the positive identity of Richfield through the consistent development of sidewalks, roadways, signage, and monuments.

cedar ave master plan minneapolis minnesota re-envision

Challenges have given rise to opportunities for development that serve the future of the City of Richfield and help to mitigate the problems caused by the airport expansion.