GFK Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Station

Grand Forks, North Dakota

The Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Station at Grand Forks International Airport completes the second phase of a larger complex, encompassing the airport’s communication and control center, air rescue and snow removal equipment facilities.

The 16,800 square-foot addition is strategically located to provide quick response to all areas of the airport. Accessory spaces include a flexible training room and observation area; kitchen, dining and sleeping rooms; exercise room and locker facilities.

The exterior is a combination of precast concrete panel, glazed brick and metal panel; materials which relate to the prevailing palette of the airport, yet providing the ARFF with its own distinguishing aesthetic.

"A first-class facility...In the event of some sort of emergency, having this space available as designed makes it more conducive to be able to handle those situations with other responding agencies."
Ryan Riesinger