Groton High School Addition & Renovation

Groton, South Dakota

The Groton High School has a long history dating back to 1934 when the first building was completed. Throughout the years the school has been expanded upon several times to accommodate growing enrollment and adjustments in academic delivery. This newest addition replaces the original 1934 building with a building that reflects academic delivery methods for 21st century learning. It features an open common area for flexible teaching spaces, a large teaching stair in the heart of the floor plan where several students can gather to learn, and a genius bar (a study counter); where they can charge their digital devices and interact.

Existing materials from the 1934 school will be reclaimed (to the extent possible) and reused in select areas of the new addition. The highlight of this effort will be to create an interior feature wall highlighting former class photos and historic events stretching along a timeline with room to add future classes and events.

addition high school renovation

Existing materials from the 1934 school may will be reclaimed (to the extent possible) and reused in select areas of the new addition. The highlight of this effort will be to create an interior feature wall highlighting former class photos and historic events stretching along a timeline with room to add future classes and events.