Luthercrest Bible Camp

Alexandria, Minnesota

As is the nature of all businesses, the outdoor ministry business model is adapting to become more diverse than the typical “summer camp”. JLG has been working with LutherCrest Bible Camp to provide vision for a 20-year plan for the camp facilities consisting of new housing, a new dining hall, upgrades to the existing chapel, and development of a central green space at the center of the camp. The goal with all of these improvements is to provide a camp facility that is available for more than one season, allowing the camp to host events from early spring to late fall, and possibly even through the winter. Of all of these proposed improvements, the creation of a new dining facility will have the largest impact to Luthercrest.

The new facility has been located and designed to be sensitive to existing camp environment, while providing a better facility for a myriad of camp functions. By locating the dining hall closer to the camp entry, the existing parking lot will be able to be relocated outside of the camp facilities creating a void in the center of the camp that will become a green space functioning as the ‘heart’ of the camp and all of its various functions.

Additionally, by taking advantage of the existing site contours the new dining hall is able to be constructed with a lower level, providing flexibility in the use of the facility as time and needs dictate.

camp luthercrest religious

JLG has been working with LutherCrest Bible Camp to provide vision for a 20-year plan for the camp facilities consisting of new housing, a new dining hall, upgrades to the existing chapel, and development of a central green space at the center of the camp.