MDU Resources Community Bowl

Bismarck, North Dakota

The MDU Resources Community Bowl is located on the west end of the Bismarck State College campus and overlooks the Missouri River. The Community Bowl serves as ‘home’ field for the local high schools and the University of Mary, football, soccer and track teams, and is the current host for the North Dakota State Track Meet. The renovation plan calls for enhancing the fan and student athlete experience.

The facility will add a new grand entrance, new support buildings, additional seating, locker and training room improvements, along with many site improvements. The building will include new concessions, restrooms, media boxes, coach’s rooms, and private suites.

bismarck BSC college MDU

JLG's Building Information Modeling software offered designers the opportunity to examine the views from the different seating areas to the track and field to ensure all visitors were able to see the outermost lanes.