Midland Continental Museum

Wimbledon, North Dakota

Built in 1913, the Midland Continental Railroad Depot is the only remaining depot of the railroad which was to connect Canada to the Gulf Coast.

The Depot was once home to renowned jazz singer Peggy Lee from 1934-1937 when her father was the depot agent there. The Depot is filled with exhibits that tell the story of the Midland Continental and trace the career of Peggy Lee and her connection to Wimbledon. The first floor consists of a common passenger waiting room, women’s retiring room, telegraph office, records storage room, and freight room, and is now preserved as a museum discussing life on the rail. The second floor provided the living quarters for the depot agent and his family.

Peggy Lee’s life in North Dakota, as well as the life of a depot agent, is interpreted on the second floor.

museum north dakota

The Depot was once home to renowned jazz singer Peggy Lee from 1934-1937 when her father was the depot agent there.