NDSCS Horton Hall

North Dakota State College of Science

JLG completely renovated a 75-year old historic classroom building on the campus of North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota. The existing 53,000 sf structure was constructed in three separate projects over a span of 11 years between 1928 through 1939. The building was originally designed to house mechanical trades, and was built using very durable materials.

Offices and some classroom spaces were remodeled over the years but the main portions of the building remained as they were from the beginning. JLG’s renovation encompassed Office and Business Administration, Architectural Drafting and Civil Engineering Technology, and the Campus Print Shop portions of the building, and included asbestos and hazardous material removal, the replacement of all windows and doors, installation of a new mechanical and electrical system and updated technology integration.

In addition, JLG constructed a new state-of-the-art classroom and office addition with the flexibility to allow for changes in future classroom needs.

campus north dakota renovation wahpeton

"Horton Hall is a world-class building that will enhance the educational experience of our students for years to come."
John Richman, President