South Heart School

South Heart, North Dakota

Due to increased enrollments and grade-related circulation challenges, South Heart Public Schools has been forced to serve students in undersized spaces for several years, most of which are inadequate for student and staff efficiency. A single gymnasium serves as the only space for elementary through high school sports, and the kitchen and servery has been required to extend lunch hours to serve all of the students. JLG Architects’ 33,000-square foot expansion to the main building has been designed to provide educators, administrators, and students with an efficient and economical learning and athletic environment that will serve the needs of the growing community for decades.

An addition to the North of the existing building will include new classrooms, offices, and education spaces, as well as a large multi-purpose room and kitchen called the “cafagymatroium.” This space will provide for increased physical education opportunities, efficiency during the lunch hours, and performing arts programs. Seating capacity has been increased compared to the old lunch room and is planned to include two serving lines and a new kitchen.

To the East, the gravel parking lot will be paved and a new public entrance will be added for sporting events and student performances. It will house a larger concessions and lobby for games and gatherings in the gym, new ADA-accessible locker rooms, public restrooms, a fitness and training room, as well as four additional secondary classrooms. The fitness and training room will be open to the community on nights and weekends.

The South Heart School project was funded by a bond referendum vote on March 23, 2015, following a comprehensive facility analysis and master plan. The project has been broken into two primary additions that will be constructed in phases so as to keep the building open and useable during the school year. It is expected to complete in the Fall of 2018.

The District's mission is to prepare each student for the future and for lifelong learning - "Learners for Life!"