St. Michael’s Catholic Church

Grand Forks, North Dakota

Saint Michael’s Church, which is on the National Historic Register, was damaged in the unforgettable 1997 spring flood of the Red River. In order to protect and extend the structural life of this historic building constructed in 1908, an exterior foundation drainage system was installed. The original main stone staircase was rebuilt due to structural deterioration and shifting of the stone treads. To maintain the grandness and historical integrity of the stair the original brick and stone slab treads were re-used. The original basement windows were replaced with historically sensitive windows.

Due to flood damage, the basement was renovated and accessible restrooms added. The space had been remodeled several times over the lifetime of the building. To return the original character of the large assembly area the exterior windows were exposed, dropped ceiling removed and areas of brick exposed at the exterior walls. Wood trim work was used to tie the basement area with the richness of the column and barrel vaults in the sanctuary above. The kitchen was returned to it’s original location in the building and brought up to current codes. This project was completed by Schoen Associates prior to joining JLG Architects.

catholic church Grand Forks religious

The original St. Michael's Church was built in 1893-94 for $6,000.