UND SEM Jodsaas Center

University of North Dakota

The Jodsaas Center will serve as a teaching and research building providing access for students to faculty expertise, offices for visiting faculty, and collaboration space to host seminars, lectures, and workshops in the areas of Engineering Leadership & Entrepreneurship. The Center will enable students to become involved in projects which will provide exposure to the myriad of activities that are involved in designing, developing and initiating new technical endeavors and teach them how to be competitive in a global market.

The Center is a two story, 7,245 square foot, addition to the existing Harrington Hall. It includes spaces for graduate student offices, a distance learning enabled classroom, office space, design labs, laboratories and a state-of-the-art conference room.

Utilizing rich-hued maple woodwork and coordinating earth tones, the finishes in the Jodsaas Center reinforce the perception of a professional work environment. The donor, Larry Jodsaas, enjoys sailing and some nautical themed items were incorporated in the design, including the boat-shaped table in the conference room, the wood ceiling tiles above the conference table, and the light fixtures that resemble the hull and keel. The landscaping at the main entry has a compass theme and presents a formal approach to the arched precast entry to the Center.

campus SEM UND university

The Jodsaas Center was established to create opportunities that will enhance the leadership and entrepreneurship of the students at the School of Engineering & Mines.