Ward County Office Building

Minot, North Dakota

Ward County was experiencing a tremendous population increase and had outgrown their space in the historic 1920’s era courthouse building and remote office facilities. At the same time the Court system was seeing an increase in case load, placing additional space needs on the State’s Attorney office and Courts administrative offices. The County needed a facility that consolidated all facets of county administration under one roof and made room for the Courts.

The new office building is connected to the historic County Courthouse with a skyway and new welcoming pedestrian plaza. Inside, the light-filled atrium provides internal orientation to visitors and brings natural light into internal spaces. The office building exterior compliments the appearance of the 1929 Art Deco-style Courthouse while exuding a more contemporary feel. A similar pattern of narrow vertical windows and materials closely matches the Indiana limestone in color and finish, while glass curtain wall details project an open and modern image.

historic office renovation ward county

The Office Building was funded through a half percent sales tax approved by voters.