WEX Health

Fargo, North Dakota

WEX Health is a modern office facility designed around the amenities 21st century professionals expect in new office environments.

Following the mantra that “happy employees are productive employees”, WEX Health is designed to recruit and retain the next generation of workforce. Two break rooms, a second floor ‘game room,’ walk out patio and second floor rooftop deck, are features which allow employees to relax, socialize and enjoy their everyday work experience.

Employees at WEX Health have the luxury of enjoying an in-house workout room, with shower amenities, for employees to get in a workout before the day starts or during their lunch hour. Large expanses of glass were designed in open office workspaces for exterior views and sunlight to be enjoyed by all employees – not just the corner office.

To minimize redundant square footage, the facility utilizes shared conference and break out rooms, along with a shared lobby and adjacent vertical circulation with office suites branching away from the central core. All of these amenities are organized into an efficient 40,000 square foot, 2-story facility.

corporate health office

The typical work environment is evolving in the 21st century, and WEX Health is a showcase of that attitude.